Woodbury Park Dental

A guide to common cosmetic issues that our dentist treats using Botox

23 August 2023


Are you fed up with using face creams to get rid of wrinkles?

Botulinum toxin injections have become a game-changer in the field of facial aesthetics. This powerful neurotoxin is widely recognised for its ability to temporarily relax facial muscles, resulting in a smoother and more youthful appearance.

So, while it may seem odd if you want to correct facial aesthetics to match your new smile, you can pop in to see our team at Woodbury Park to discuss Botox in Tunbridge Wells. We are licensed to offer this service, meaning you will get top-notch treatment and professional, natural-looking results.

With that in mind, what are 5 things that our dentist can treat using Botox in Tunbridge Wells?

Expression lines

Dynamic wrinkles, which are also sometimes called expression lines, are the result of repeated facial muscle movements over time. They commonly appear on the forehead, between the eyebrows (glabellar lines), and around the eyes (crow’s feet). By using Botox in Tunbridge Wells, we can target these dynamic wrinkles by temporarily blocking nerve signals to the underlying muscles. As a result, the treated muscles relax, and the overlying skin becomes smoother, reducing the appearance of these wrinkles and giving your face a more youthful and rejuvenated look.

Frown lines

Most people have frown lines. These, also referred to as ‘11 lines’ or glabellar lines, are vertical lines that form between the eyebrows, giving the face an angry or tired appearance. These lines are often caused by frowning or squinting over time. Anti ageing injections effectively soften and diminish frown lines by relaxing the muscles around the lines that are responsible for their formation. This results in a softer and more relaxed appearance, helping individuals achieve a more approachable and refreshed look.

Forehead furrows

Horizontal lines that begin to appear across your forehead due to repetitive facial expressions and the natural ageing process are known as forehead furrows. Botulinum toxin injections can be precisely administered to the forehead muscles, relaxing them and reducing the visibility of these lines. The result is a smoother forehead and a more youthful overall facial appearance.

Crow’s feet

Crow’s feet are those very fine lines or wrinkles that form around the corners of the eyes, typically associated with smiling and squinting. These can make you feel self-conscious about their appearance. Botulinum toxin injections can effectively target the muscles responsible for crow’s feet, leading to a reduction in their prominence. By smoothing the skin around the eyes, botulinum toxin injections help individuals achieve a more refreshed and vibrant look.

Brow lift

As people age, the natural downward pull of gravity can cause the eyebrows to droop and create a tired or sad expression. A non-surgical brow lift using botulinum toxin injections can counteract this effect. By strategically injecting botulinum toxin into certain facial muscles, the eyebrows can be gently lifted, resulting in a more youthful and alert appearance. The procedure offers a subtle, but significant enhancement that can brighten the entire face.

Remember that the effects of these injections will vary based on your age and lifestyle, so we can happily repeat them every 6 months if you need a top-up!

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