Woodbury Park Dental

Botox for anti-wrinkle treatment

19 July 2023


As part of the natural ageing process, your skin becomes less elastic and more fragile. Decreased production of natural oils dries your skin and makes it appear more wrinkled. Wrinkles mainly appear on areas which have the most sun exposure, for example the face, neck, chest and hands, and also they appear around the facial muscles that are used a lot, for example the eyes, mouth and eyebrows. Pollutants and smoking also contribute to wrinkling. Between the ages of fifty to sixty the effects of sun exposure, expression and environment become most obvious, although wrinkles can appear from age twenty-five upwards.

Preventing wrinkles

There are many ways to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and keep your skin looking youthful. Firstly, it is important to have a good skincare routine that you maintain on a daily basis, removing dirt and make-up from your face, making sure that it is clean, moisturised and hydrated at all times. You need to drink plenty of water as this is not only good for your skin, but important for your body. Protecting your skin from the sun every day by using a good sunscreen is very important for good skin health as well as preventing skin cancer. It is crucial to maintain a healthy diet as well as a healthy lifestyle. You need to find out about smoking cessation. It is also important to drink less alcohol or have it in moderation for healthy skin and wellbeing. You should also try to avoid repetitive facial expressions, for example frowning or pouting. However, if it is too late and wrinkles are affecting the appearance of your skin, you need to speak to us at Woodbury Park Dental and find out about the procedures that are available for improving facial aesthetics.

Botox and how it works

One of the most popular facial treatments across the country, and in fact, across the world is Botox in Tunbridge Wells. Botox in Tunbridge Wells is commonly sought after by adult patients to improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and restore a youthful appearance. Botox in Tunbridge Wells is safe, quick and effective, which means it is highly convenient whilst producing excellent aesthetic results. We are pleased to be able to offer you Botox at Woodbury Park Dental.

Botox relaxes the facial muscles that cause frown lines and other facial wrinkles so that they appear less prominent, or if they are in the early stages, they disappear altogether. Botox can be used around your mouth, around your eyes and in your forehead where facial expression lines are most prominent, and it is often used in other parts of the body for medical purposes such as treating migraines, TMJ (temporomandibular joint) disorders and bladder issues.

Speak to us at Woodbury Park Dental and find out about improving the appearance of the wrinkles on your face. With fewer facial lines, your skin becomes smoother and more youthful looking. The procedure itself takes approximately ten minutes. It can take two to four days before the muscles become weak or paralysed. Optimal results are achieved from ten to fourteen days after the treatment and can last for up to three months after your treatment. Depending on your metabolism, the results may last longer. Once you notice the wrinkles reappearing, you can speak to us about repeating the procedure. It is completely safe to do so, and we will let you know when it is the right time for you. Speak to us at Woodbury Park Dental today and find out more about Botox injections and improving the appearance of your skin.

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