Woodbury Park Dental

Improve your smile with our dentist in Tunbridge Wells

17 August 2022


A beautiful smile represents good health, wellbeing and brightens the entire face. If you are unhappy with the appearance of your smile then this may have a negative impact on other aspects of your life. Thanks to advances in cosmetic dentistry everyone can achieve a smile that they are proud to show off. Regardless of your dental requirements and the issues that may be affecting your teeth, you can speak to our dentist in Tunbridge Wells and find out which cosmetic dental treatments are most suitable for you.

Factors affecting your dental health

Your dentist in Tunbridge Wells will be able to assess the health of your teeth and gums and identify which factors are affecting the appearance of your smile. The aesthetics of your smile can be affected by tooth decay and gum disease, the position and alignment of your teeth, the colour of your teeth, gaps between your teeth and tooth loss. Rest assured that there are different treatments and procedures available to address all of the above issues and your dentist in Tunbridge Wells will decide which treatments are necessary and can put together an individually tailored treatment plan for you. Restorative treatments and procedures will be included in the treatment plan if necessary, to ensure a healthy, happy smile.

Tooth loss

Tooth loss is a major factor which affects the appearance of your teeth. Tooth loss can occur as a result of poor oral hygiene, avoiding the dentist, lifestyle choices such as smoking, increased alcohol consumption, drug abuse, or an accident or injury to the mouth. Other than losing your teeth upon impact in an accident where your teeth may be knocked out immediately, tooth loss occurs over time. If you visit our dentist in Tunbridge Wells on a regular basis then any signs of tooth decay or gum disease will be identified earlier on and tooth loss can be prevented. If you avoid the dentist then you may have irreversible damage done to your teeth, which will mean you may have to undergo a tooth extraction to prevent further complications – or teeth have even been known to fall out on their own!.

Dental implants

If you have suffered from tooth loss, you need to speak to our dentist and find out about replacing your missing teeth sooner rather than later. The longer the delay, the more complications could ensue and you can damage your remaining healthy teeth. Dental implants are an excellent method of replacing missing teeth, providing a permanent solution for tooth loss. Dental implants become embedded into your jawbone, this means they are strong and they are hidden from sight for discretion, giving you the chance to replace your missing teeth discreetly and confidently with the prosthetics of your choice.

Dental implants are suitable for patients of all ages and not only do they improve the appearance of your smile they have been designed to restore the full function of your mouth. Speak to our dentist at the practice today to discuss the benefits, cost and suitability of dental implants for you.

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