Woodbury Park Dental

Looking for dental implants in Tunbridge Wells?

10 May 2023


If you are missing one or more teeth, you may be considering dental implants in Tunbridge Wells, which are a great way to replace missing teeth that can help you improve your smile. Dental implants are made of titanium and can be surgically placed into the jawbone. Once a screw is in place, a crown or bridge is attached to replace the missing tooth.

There are many benefits to having your missing teeth replaced using this form of treatment. Implants look and feel like natural teeth, are durable and can help you improve your overall oral health. Replacement teeth can also reduce bone loss in the jaw.

At Woodbury Park Dental, we have helped many patients replace their missing teeth using dental implants. Patients have reported that this fixed-in-place solution feels perfectly natural.

Things to think about

If you are considering dental implants, there are a few things you need to do.

First, you must find a qualified dentist who can provide dental implants in Tunbridge Wells to perform the procedure. You can find a dentist by asking your friends or family for recommendations or searching online.

Once you have found a dentist, you will need to schedule a consultation. During the consultation, the dentist will examine your teeth and gums and discuss your treatment options for replacing your missing teeth.

If you decide to have this treatment to replace your missing teeth, the procedure will involve several steps. First, your dentist will need to prepare the jawbone for treatment; this may involve removing any decayed or infected tissue. Once your jawbone is prepared, the dentist will place the titanium screws into the bone.

It will take several months for the screws to fuse to your jawbone. Once the screws have fused, the dentist will attach crowns or bridges to them. The crown or bridge will replace your missing tooth.

Implants are a great way to replace your missing teeth; they are durable, look and feel like natural teeth, and can help you to improve your overall oral health. If you are missing one or more teeth, talk to your dentist about this treatment solution.

Here are some things to keep in mind when looking for dental implants in Tunbridge Wells:

Make sure the dentist you choose is qualified and experienced in using this treatment.

Be sure to ask about the risks and complications associated with your treatment.

With careful planning and research, you can find a qualified dentist who can provide you with the replacement teeth you are looking for, and that may help you to improve your smile and overall oral health.

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