Woodbury Park Dental

Thinking about Botox?

19 April 2023

Are you thinking maybe it’s time to give yourself that little confidence boost? With Botox in Tunbridge Wells you could do just that! First though there are a few little questions you need to be asking yourself and so today we at Woodbury Park Dental are going to talk you through them.

First things first…

What is Botox in Tunbridge Wells?

Botox or botulinum is a protein which affects the neurotransmitters between the brain and the injection site. It makes the area injected essentially paralysed which helps remove fine lines and wrinkles, but can also have benefits for people with excessive sweating and jaw tension.

Why do people use it?

As we age it’s only natural for us to lose a little confidence here and there, and for lots of people showing signs of age in the face is really tricky. When Botox is used well it can be an amazing way to give back those natural youthful signs in the face.

When is Botox in Tunbridge Wells not a good idea?

We want everyone to feel good in their skin, but in order for this to happen Botox needs to be used for the right reasons and not for people trying to make major changes in their appearance. Which brings us on to an important question.

What are you trying to achieve?

When you start out on your Botox journey with us you’ll come in for an initial consultation so we can talk everything through and one of the things we will talk about a lot is what it is you’re actually trying to achieve through the Botox. It’s really important that we all set expectations early on so as not to end up feeling disappointed with the results. Botox is amazing but it’s not a face lift and it’s good to make sure we’re all on the same page.

Why do you want Botox?

When we’re feeling low or lacking in self-esteem naturally we want to reach out for any way in which we can get a confidence boost and why not? But cosmetic procedures are visible and they can have an impact on you and so we always want to know why you’re wanting to do this now? If it’s a last minute decision then we might well suggest you take some time to have a think before fully committing, another few weeks won’t make a massive difference in the grand scheme of things, but it does give you space.

Have you been through a major event recently?

Humans love to deflect problems. When something bad happens finding something else to focus on and diverting from how we really feel is totally normal and often when we’ve been through a break-up, bereavement or job loss we start to focus on small things about ourselves to mask the problem. You might have only just thought you needed to have Botox, but really something else is going on. Take time to assess whether this is the case for you and if so maybe come back to us when you’ve had time to heal from the life event you’ve been through so you know you’re coming to us for the right reasons.

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