Woodbury Park Dental

Advantages of dental implants

10 October 2022


Dental implants in Tunbridge Wells are a highly efficient method of replacing your missing teeth. Available for dental patients for more than 50 years, it is only in the last few decades that we have seen a surge in uptake of dental implants in Tunbridge Wells. Now implantation has become one of the most popular methods of replacing missing teeth and has a success rate of more than 98%. Dental implants in Tunbridge Wells have been designed to last for practically the whole of your life. They are suitable for young adults and they are suitable for the elderly. If you are thinking about replacing your missing teeth then speak to us at Woodbury Park Dental and find out about oral implants for yourself.

Replace your dentures and recoup your missing teeth

A dental implant is a small titanium screw which replaces the root of your missing tooth. Our dentist then replaces the missing tooth with a crown or a set of dentures. If you are missing a tooth or multiple teeth or even all of your teeth you could be a potential candidate for dental implants. Many patients find themselves struggling with their dentures and looking for a solution for a better fit. Dental implants are a wonderful way to improve your quality of life. Other patients are fed up with their missing teeth and the way it affects the appearance of their smile and they are looking to rehabilitate their smile with a fixed solution. Dental implants in Tunbridge Wells are an amazing technology which can help replace your missing teeth, restore the appearance of your smile and boost your self-confidence so that you can smile happily once more.

We will carry out a 3-dimensional scan of your teeth and we will use the scan results to plan the placement of your implants in just the right position to restore the natural appearance and function of your mouth. The scan helps us choose the correct implants and we can also tell if any additional therapy is necessary. This includes restorative dental treatment, teeth straightening or bone grafting which will help boost the success of the surgery.

Dental implant surgery

We begin by making sure that the tooth and the root of the tooth has been fully removed from your mouth. We then drill a small hole into the bone socket of the missing tooth and the implant is placed directly into this hole. The healing process then takes 3 to 6 months in which time the implant will become fully embedded within your jaw. This works by a natural process known as osseointegration and if you visit us at regular intervals we will be able to make sure that the process is coming along successfully. Once the process is complete we will attach a connector post to the implant to which a crown or a set of dentures can be permanently fixed. Dental implants feel like your natural dentition and you are able to eat and drink as normal, brush your teeth and floss as you should and maintain a good dental hygiene routine. It is important that you visit us on a regular basis and we hope that your implant will last for the rest of your life.

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