Woodbury Park Dental

Advantages of introducing Invisalign into your life

17 July 2023


Invisalign in Tunbridge Wells is a great way of addressing the misalignment issues of your teeth, especially if you are looking to do so discreetly. Many people avoid orthodontic treatment because they do not want to draw further attention to their mouths. Invisalign in Tunbridge Wells helps you straighten your teeth without anyone knowing that you are having dental treatment. By improving the alignment of your teeth with Invisalign in Tunbridge Wells, you will enjoy many benefits.

Improve your smile

Firstly, Invisalign will improve the appearance of your smile. Crooked and wonky teeth can make you unhappy about the appearance of your smile, but a neatly aligned smile is attractive and creates a great first impression. Misaligned teeth may sometimes be endearing, but they are not usually top of one’s favourite features. They can affect your self-confidence and self-esteem. If you straighten your teeth, then this will transform the appearance of your smile and have a positive impact on your overall image. You will find a new confidence that will have an affirmative effect on your wellbeing and bring positivity into your life.

Reduce plaque and tartar

Next, straightening your teeth with Invisalign helps improve your dental health dramatically. First of all, teeth straightening gets rid of nooks and crannies between your teeth. The teeth create a neatly aligned formation. This makes it easier to brush your teeth and floss between them. Less bacteria and food particles remain in your mouth after brushing and flossing so that your mouth is much cleaner and healthier. This reduces symptoms such as bad breath and yellow teeth, but at the same time, more importantly, it reduces the chance of plaque and tartar developing on your teeth.

Plaque and tartar create a layer on your teeth which is inhabited by millions of bacteria that can be very harmful for your dental health. There are different types of bacteria, good bacteria, and harmful bacteria. Good bacteria aid the digestive process, whilst harmful bacteria damage your teeth and gums. They release acids and toxins, which break down the enamel of your teeth and cause gum inflammation. This can cause tooth decay and gum disease. If left untreated, tooth decay and gum disease can become complicated. They can even result in missing teeth. This means straightening your teeth can ultimately prevent tooth loss.

What does Invisalign do?

Speak to us at Woodbury Park Dental today. If you have crooked, wonky teeth, overlapping teeth, or overcrowded teeth, then Invisalign is the ideal solution for you. If you are suffering from bite disorders, then you can also speak to us about Invisalign and find out how we can help you straighten your teeth and improve your dental health at the same time. With the latest in digital dental technology we will design an accurate set of aligners that will fit snugly into your mouth and apply pressure to correct the issues that are affecting the alignment of your teeth. Depending on how complex your issues are, within 6 to 18 months you will have a neatly aligned smile.

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