Woodbury Park Dental

Clear aligners for teeth straightening with our dentist in Tunbridge Wells

16 November 2022


Teeth straightening has become one of the most commonly sought after cosmetic dental treatments and to meet the demand our dentist in Tunbridge Wells is able to offer different methods that can help you achieve a neatly aligned smile. Many different factors affect the appearance and the health of your teeth and misalignment issues are a major cause of concern. Not only do crooked and wonky teeth affect the appearance of your smile, but they can affect the appearance of your entire face too, which can impact your self-confidence and self-esteem. Crooked and wonky teeth are more difficult to keep clean and, therefore, they are prone to damage, decay and disease due to the possibility of increased plaque and tartar build-up.


Here at Woodbury Park Dental our dentist in Tunbridge Wells can offer you Invisalign for teeth straightening. Invisalign is a modern and highly popular method of addressing minor and moderate orthodontic issues. It has been used across the world for more than two decades helping over 13 million patients to improve and enhance their smiles. Invisalign works using clear thermoplastic aligners that are designed to appear almost invisible in the mouth and work by applying pressure to the teeth to help push them into a neater formation. Invisalign has become one of the most commonly sought after teeth straightening procedures and you can improve your smile within as little as 6 to 12 months.

Advantages of teeth straightening

Invisalign is used to treat crooked teeth, protruding front teeth, wonky teeth, minor gaps between the teeth, overlapping teeth and bite disorders. By addressing such issues with our dentist in Tunbridge Wells you can improve the appearance of your smile dramatically, boosting your self-confidence and enhancing the appearance of your face, but more importantly you can improve your dental health at the same time. A neatly aligned smile is easier to clean and so there is less chance of plaque and tartar building up within the hard-to-reach areas which often results in the development of cavities and tooth decay and can also cause gum disease which can lead to periodontal disease. Once you have a neatly aligned smile you will reduce your risk of developing such issues and you will promote the health and life of your teeth. Speak to our dentist in Tunbridge Wells today about correcting your teeth with clear aligners and learn more about why they are the most popular choice of teeth straightening amongst adults.

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