Woodbury Park Dental

Dental implants in Tunbridge Wells for tooth loss

14 June 2023


Tooth loss occurs as a result of many different reasons, however it is not a natural part of the ageing process. Rather, if we look after our teeth properly by maintaining excellent dental hygiene, a healthy lifestyle, and visiting the dentist at least once every six months, our teeth can last for the rest of our lives. Unfortunately, due to a range of factors, this is very rare and most people start losing one or two teeth by the age of 35, and many people by 65-70 have lost most of their teeth.

Poor dental hygiene is one of the most common reasons for missing teeth. It is important that you do not neglect your dental hygiene. You should brush your teeth at least twice a day, floss every day, use a good mouthwash and speak to your dentist for individually tailored dental health advice. For example,advice could include which type of toothbrush is best for you, which type of toothpaste will benefit you more than others, how to floss, and what to avoid to keep your teeth clean, healthy and strong. Visiting the dentist on a regular basis helps the dentist identify signs of cavities, tooth decay, and gum disease very early on so that they can be treated successfully without causing irreversible damage to your teeth.

If you avoid the dentist and neglect your dental hygiene, then cavities, tooth decay, and gum disease can have an irreversible impact on your teeth and gums. This can result in wobbly teeth and eventually tooth loss. Tooth loss is more common than you may think, but that does not mean it is any less worrying or upsetting. If you have lost a tooth then you need to speak to us at Woodbury Park dental and let us put together an individually tailored treatment plan for you. Together we can decide what is the best method of replacing your missing teeth. We will assess the health of your remaining teeth and find out if you need any dental treatment, if so this will be done before replacing your teeth. Once this is complete then we can talk about tooth replacement.

Dental implants in Tunbridge Wells

There are different types of tooth replacement of which the most popular is dental implants in Tunbridge Wells.

Dental implants in Tunbridge Wells have become the gold standard in tooth replacement because they are able to provide a permanent and fixed solution for your missing teeth. Dental implants in Tunbridge Wells can be used in adult patients of all ages. Although elderly patients most commonly replace their teeth with traditional removable dentures. However, these patients can speak to us at Woodbury Park Dental about dental implant retained dentures for added comfort and convenience. Dental implant retained dentures also help maintain the shape and strength of your jaw, preventing bone decay and changes in the shape of your face. They help restore a youthful appearance as well as restoring the function of your mouth.

Speak to us at Woodbury Park dental today and find out more about dental implants in Tunbridge Wells and dental implant retained dentures. Find out how they can improve the quality of your life; helping you to smile happily and confidently for many years to come.

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