Woodbury Park Dental

Myths about Invisalign explored by our team

21 August 2023


Invisible aligners have revolutionised the world of orthodontics by offering a discreet and convenient solution for straightening teeth. As an increasingly popular alternative to traditional braces, invisible aligners have garnered significant attention. However, like any innovative technology, invisible aligners are also surrounded by myths and misconceptions.

So, if you have some concerns about Invisalign in Tunbridge Wells, pay a visit to our team. We can assess your suitability for the aligners and will also be able to assuage any worries that you have or any mistruths you may have read online.

In this article, our team will debunk 5 common myths surrounding Invisalign in Tunbridge Wells to provide you with accurate information and help you make an informed decision about orthodontic treatment.

Myth 1: Invisible aligners are only for mild cases

One of the most prevalent myths about Invisalign in Tunbridge Wells is that they are only suitable for mild orthodontic issues. In reality, invisible aligner technology has advanced significantly, and we can treat a wider range of orthodontic issues. Invisible aligners use cutting-edge computer simulations and 3D modelling to create customised treatment plans tailored to the unique needs of each patient.

Myth 2- Invisible aligners take longer to straighten teeth

Another myth surrounding invisible aligners is that they take longer to straighten teeth compared to traditional braces. While treatment times vary depending on individual cases, invisible aligners are designed to deliver results efficiently and effectively. In some cases, the duration of treatment may be shorter with invisible aligners due to their innovative technology and the ability to make more precise adjustments.

Myth 3- Invisible aligners are uncomfortable

Some people believe that invisible aligners are uncomfortable and cause pain throughout the treatment process. In reality, most patients experience some mild discomfort during the initial days of wearing a new set of aligners. This sensation is a sign that your aligners are working and gently shifting the teeth into their desired positions.

However, compared to traditional braces, invisible aligners are generally more comfortable because they are made from smooth plastic. Therefore, they do not have any brackets or wires that might irritate your inner cheeks and the skin on your inner lips. With time, patients get accustomed to wearing aligners, and the discomfort diminishes.

Myth 4- Invisible aligners are more expensive

Cost is a significant consideration for any orthodontic treatment, and some believe that invisible aligners are much more expensive than traditional braces. While the cost of invisible aligners varies depending on the complexity of the case and the provider, it is essential to consider the overall value and benefits they offer.

Invisible aligners provide a discreet and convenient option for adults and teenagers seeking orthodontic treatment. They are virtually invisible, removable for eating and oral hygiene, and do not require frequent visits to our team for adjustments.

Myth 5- Invisible aligners can’t fix overbites or underbites

There is a misconception that invisible aligners can only address simple dental issues and cannot fix more complex problems like overbites or underbites. In reality, many cases of overbites and underbites can be effectively corrected with invisible aligners.

We have experience in treating various malocclusions and can use specialised aligners and treatment techniques to gradually move the teeth and align the bite properly. However, severe cases of overbites or underbites may require a combination of orthodontic approaches, including surgery in some instances.

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