Woodbury Park Dental

Replacing and maintaining dental veneers: a journey to a brighter smile with our dentist

11 September 2023


Dental veneers have rapidly become one of the most popular solutions for those seeking an impeccable smile. These thin, custom-made shells crafted from porcelain or composite resin are adhered to the front surface of the teeth. Veneers can mask a variety of dental imperfections, from stains and chips to gaps and misalignments. Yet, like all beautiful things, they sometimes need maintenance or replacement, and our dentist in Tunbridge Wells, at Woodbury Park Dental, is here to help.

When and why do veneers need replacing?

It’s essential to remember that while veneers are durable, they’re not indestructible. Over the years, wear and tear can cause them to chip, crack, or even dislodge. Additionally, our natural teeth beneath the veneers can still experience decay or shifting. When this happens, it’s time for a change. Even the best dental work has its limits. Typically, porcelain veneers can last between 10 to 15 years, while composite resin veneers might need replacement sooner, around 5 to 7 years.

Complications that may arise

Dental procedures, no matter how routine, always come with the potential for unforeseen issues. With veneers, some patients might experience sensitivity after placement, especially to cold or hot substances. This sensitivity usually subsides, but if it persists, it’s a sign that something might be amiss.

Another issue could be the fit or colour of the veneers. Perhaps they don’t blend seamlessly with the adjacent natural teeth or don’t sit comfortably on the gum line. There’s also the risk of gum tissue reacting negatively, causing inflammation or discomfort.

A misalignment between the upper and lower teeth, often termed as a ‘bite problem’, can exert undue pressure on the veneers. This can lead to premature chipping or breaking.

Navigating the maintenance path

Our dentist in Tunbridge Wells understands the intricacies involved in veneer replacement and maintenance. If your veneers appear discoloured or if the edges seem to be yellowing, it might be the adhesive resin that’s showing signs of wear, and not the veneer itself. Addressing such issues promptly ensures the longevity of your veneers and preserves the health of the underlying teeth.

Proper dental hygiene is paramount. Brushing and flossing as directed, and regular check-ups can go a long way in ensuring the durability of your veneers. Even though the veneers themselves cannot decay, the teeth they are bonded to can. Hence, it’s imperative to care for them as you would your natural teeth.

How we come into the picture

With a team of experienced professionals, our dentist in Tunbridge Wells has helped countless individuals maintain their veneers, addressing complications with precision and care. For those veneers that are beyond repair and need replacement, we adopt a meticulous approach. We ensure that the new veneers match the colour of your adjacent teeth, fit perfectly, and feel as natural as possible.

To address the issue of sensitivity, we use specialised desensitising agents and might recommend specific toothpaste to help alleviate discomfort. And if there’s an alignment or bite issue, we have orthodontic solutions to ensure that your veneers don’t bear the brunt of a misaligned bite.

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