Woodbury Park Dental

Replacing missing teeth with dental implants for a full smile

12 July 2023


It is important that you visit us at Woodbury Park Dental on a regular basis to make sure that your teeth and gums are clean, healthy and free of any underlying complications. Plaque and tartar can quickly build up on your teeth even if you maintain good dental hygiene at home. Is it important that you have your teeth professionally cleaned at least once every six months, to remove plaque and tartar and to make sure that your teeth are free of any signs of cavities, tooth decay and gum disease. Tooth decay and gum disease can cause a lot of complications. If they are not treated early on then they can cause irreversible damage to your teeth. You may experience severe pain and discomfort and either this can result in missing teeth or you may need a tooth extraction.

Tooth loss

Losing a tooth as an adult can be a very traumatic situation to find yourself in. Even elderly patients do not have to suffer from tooth loss. Our teeth are designed to last for the whole of our lives. With good dental hygiene and regular visits to the dental practice, your teeth can last for the whole of your life too. However, if you develop tooth decay or gum disease, then you can suffer from early tooth loss. Early tooth loss can have a huge impact on all aspects of your life. It is important that you replace missing teeth sooner rather than later to avoid the complications that tooth loss can bring.

Dental implants

Speak to us at Woodbury Park Dental and find out about dental implants in Tunbridge Wells. Dental implants in Tunbridge Wells are a permanent and fixed solution for your missing teeth. Dental implants in Tunbridge Wells replace traditional dentures that would sit on top of your gums and be taken out of your mouth and replaced as necessary. Rather, dental implants become a permanent fixture in your mouth so that they can restore the appearance and the function of your teeth for the rest of your life.

We will first make sure that dental implants are suitable for you. To begin with we will examine your teeth, gums and bone. This will include taking X-rays and an intraoral scan if necessary to assess the health of your mouth and make sure that there is sufficient healthy space to hold an implant in place. This means healthy bones and gum. If you are suffering from gum disease this will need to be addressed and if you have bone loss or bone decay you may need a bone graft. Once we believe that your mouth is healthy enough and ready for a dental implant, then we can plan the surgery. We can discuss how many implants you need to replace your missing teeth and we will find out what size implants will provide best support for your prosthetics. Dental implants can be used to replace missing teeth with a crown, partial dentures or a full set of dentures. Speak to us at Woodbury Park Dental today and let us put together a treatment plan for you.

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