Woodbury Park Dental

The use of Invisalign in Tunbridge Wells to straighten your teeth

15 May 2023


Invisalign in Tunbridge Wells is a clear alternative to traditional metal braces. It is a series of custom-made aligners that are worn over your teeth to gradually move them into place. This is a popular choice for adults and teenagers who want to straighten their teeth in a way that is discreet and will not be noticed by others around them.

At Woodbury Park Dental, our team has been helping patients who are living with misaligned or protruding to receive the benefit of undergoing tooth alignment treatment using modern aligners and techniques. This has led to them enjoying higher standards of oral health and hygiene. Many of our patients who have committed to completing their dental alignment treatment go on to make statements about their positive results, as they finally have the teeth they wanted.

The benefits of treatment

There are many benefits to choosing Invisalign in Tunbridge Wells.

First, your treatment will be virtually invisible. The aligners are made from clear plastic, so they are not noticeable when you are wearing them. This makes this treatment a good choice for people who are self-conscious about their teeth.

Second, your aligners will be removable; this means that you can take the aligners out when you eat, drink, brush your teeth, or floss. This makes your treatment very convenient.

Third, your aligner will be comfortable to wear. The aligners are made from a soft, flexible material that moulds to the shape of your teeth. This makes them comfortable to wear all day long.

Finally, this treatment is effective. The treatment has been clinically proven to be effective in straightening teeth. In fact, this treatment has been used to treat over 12 million patients worldwide.

Keep in mind

If you are considering Invisalign in Tunbridge Wells, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First, this treatment is not a quick fix; it can take anywhere from 12 to 24 months to complete your treatment. Next, treatment with Invisalign may require regular visits to your dentist. You will need to see your dentist every four to six weeks to have your aligners adjusted.

Overall, this is a great option for people who want to straighten their teeth without using metal braces. This treatment is comfortable, effective, and affordable. If you are considering this tooth alignment treatment, you should contact your dentist today to schedule a consultation.

Here are some additional things to consider when choosing to undergo this treatment:

Make sure you choose a qualified dentist or orthodontist who is experienced in providing this treatment.

Find out how long treatment will take and how often you will need to see your dentist.

Be sure to ask about any risks or side effects associated with treatment.

Remember, that there is no need for you to live with misaligned teeth any longer; by undergoing tooth alignment treatment, you can start to move in a positive direction that will lead you to improved oral health.

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