Woodbury Park Dental

Whiten your teeth with our dentist in Tunbridge Wells

12 June 2023


There are many different types of cosmetic dental treatments and procedures available at Woodbury Park Dental to meet your different dental needs. One of the easiest and quickest ways of improving the appearance of your smile is by speaking to our dentist in Tunbridge Wells about teeth whitening. Teeth whitening is one of the most commonly sought-after cosmetic dental treatments in most dental practices across the country. However, in comparison to other countries, the uptake here in the UK is still significantly less. This could be because of a lack of information on teeth whitening, or because patients are unsure whether it will work for them.

Why suffer with yellow teeth? Did you know that by undergoing teeth whitening with our dentist in Tunbridge Wells, you can whiten your teeth by up to 16 shades? With different types of teeth whitening systems available, we will help you decide which is the best for you and which will help achieve the most effective results. Teeth whitening can be carried out in two different ways. It can be carried out by our dentist in Tunbridge Wells here at Woodbury Park dental, or our dentist in Tunbridge Wells can prescribe a home treatment kit with which you can whiten your teeth in the comfort of your own home. Both are effective and successful methods of teeth whitening, it simply depends on which you would prefer.

At the dental practice, teeth whitening can be done within 60 to 90 minutes, most often in one session with some patients requiring two sessions if their stains are particularly stubborn. If you want to whiten your teeth at home then this is carried out over a period of two weeks, after which you will visit our dentist to finish off the treatment.

Here at Woodbury Park Dental, we offer the Enlighten teeth whitening system as well as the Phillips Zoom! teeth whitening system. Both are very popular teeth whitening systems that are used across the country and many other places in the world.

How does teeth whitening work?

Teeth whitening systems use a combination of hydrogen peroxide and carbamide peroxide which when used in the correct way can break down stain molecules from the surface of your teeth. Once the stain molecules are broken down into smaller particles they can be brushed away to reveal the white enamel underneath. These stain molecules often build up as a result of poor dental hygiene.

It is important that you brush your teeth at least twice a day, floss between your teeth twice a day, and use a good mouthwash to keep your teeth clean and free of lingering bacteria, food particles, and stain molecules. It is also important that you visit the hygienist once every six months who will remove plaque and tartar from your teeth and also remove stain molecules to keep your teeth clean and white.

If your teeth have become yellow and stained, then speak to us at Woodbury Park Dental today and find out more about teeth whitening and how you can transform the appearance of your smile, boost your self-confidence and show off your teeth to everyone around you very soon.

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